Saturday, February 9, 2008

Let me put into words-a thought or 2

I seem to do better at scratching my thoughts out with a pen and paper. Especially on a gray wet day, curled under my blanket with a miriad of pillows around me. And of course my perpetual cup of coffee, a must from morning till night. Right now I have a bad cold/flu bug, and have slept for nearly 2 days. I find myself browsing the net now - and looking up new places and people. The world is small now. Well, that is until you have to walk somewhere, or your vehicle is broken down.
I love it when my cats or my boxer decide to join me and are so happy to join in the warmth and snuggle time!

I was thinking about my friends and my new job and life in general. Whoa, anything to avoid thinking about bills and finances and the joys of being a home owner....I AM so thankful for that! It is a challenge with an old house though. I have so many dreams, and the older I get the more I want to know! "I have an enquiring mind" is what I always tell people. In short, I am curious about most everything. I don't remember feeling this way, when I was younger and busy raising kids and getting food to the table and baths and bedtime.....

So here I am, starting in a new job of only a month, at the most amazing company! I'm only a temp for now, but hope so much to make that permanent some day. I had worked as a last resort, as a Customer Service agent, from March to the end of October, 2007. That was the hardest job I ever learned to love. The pay is horrid and sometimes the people are difficult. I learned it and excelled, even though it did make me a different person. I was tired, and short and had little patience left at the end of the day. I was let go, for being sick and late a couple of times. How ludicrous, as this was only the week after being given the award for being the CS agent of the month. I was devastated, lost without a way to support myself, and feeling very sorry for myself, after I had tried so hard, and done so well....I thought. I knew it would be for the best, but sometimes it is harder to land on my feet.
I sold my good, new car on Jan. 4, 08 to keep up with bills and it was on the 7th that I was called for the job I am at now. Suffice it to say that I revel in the quiet and order of accounting, doing what I enjoy. It makes me happy.
For now, I have food in the Fridge and a man who loves me deeply, life is good. Nothing in life is easy, but I'm not being toted off in a hand basket yet. My son is nearly 18, has decided he will join the military. This is hard from a Mom standpoint. Joe has been the light of my life, and I am so proud of him. He's been supportive through our life changes.
I have divorced 3 times. This is not how I started out thinking my life would be. Never what I would have planned..... self preservation keeps me going, always moving toward an elusive contentment & joy.
The human condition - as it were. My choices, my road. I am very proud of myself & my son, & the way I stay strong.
Keep moving forward, with
happiness; instead of complacency, bitterness and resignation.

Right now, I have exhilaration and a deep happiness. It is good to be happy again.

Thank you Lord
back to my cozy place....trying to get well.

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