Monday, June 30, 2008

Current Status updated!

Goodness, where do I begin? I have been out of work with this recession, except for 2, four week jobs. I was let go at Netflix last October 22. The recession is so bad here, that finding any accounting jobs is nearly impossible. Each week, there may be one A/P opening in the entire Sunday paper. So far, they have been mostly on the east side, way too far for commuting, especially w/gas at 4.35/gal. I finally got a job in May, and was only there to the end of the month. This time, by my choice, even though we are in dire straights. The position was ok, but the company and people were horrid. The woman "training" me was unbearable! And their work was so slow that I only had 20 hrs/wk. Even with that, I was ill to my stomache just thinking about getting there each day. Finally after Memorial day, I was so sick, I had the worst crushing chest pains. Rod finally took me to the emergency room at Tuality. Hmmm, you know I would never do that, and never have, so that is how bad it was. Nothing wrong with me or my health, so you know it had to be stress. So I let work know at the end of that week I wasn't coming back. That was a very hard choice, I have never quit and really never had any problems getting a job whenever I wanted to either. So in the last month since then, 3 different jobs have come up, and each been filled just as I was being told about them. I am listed w/ Accountants Inc, and Accountemps. The latter never does anything, but the former have bent over backwards for me!
Now we are at the sink or swim stage, leaning toward sinking. Rod has had a couple days work, but no painting either, going on. Whenever I talk to people, I can't believe how widespread the recession is and how many are just as bad off - Including Cheri and her family. I have tapped all my resources, and now am way behind. We have food though, thanks to the local churches, etc. This week if I don't come up with $200, the power will be off for a while. That should be interesting. I have been trying to sell anything I have of any value, that I am not sentimentally attached to, and have not had anything go. Everyone else is doing the same thing! The market is flooded with everything you can imagine, going for nearly nothing......
We are trying to sell Rod's work van, started at 2,000, a month ago, and now down to $600, and nothing still. My little civic is dead and needs parts, we thought the van would sell by now. Joe has a friend buying his car before he goes into the Marines early Sept. He is trying to move his ship out date up to August though.So we have been working on the house, and can't really finish anything. I was hoping that we could get it ship shape to sell, so that I wouldn't have to do a foreclosure. The market is so bad no houses around here are selling either.
So there you have my day to day existance in a nutshell. I was going to be a vendor at a festival in St Paul, to display my photography, but have no way to get there, with no gas. That is sad, but it worked out ok, since it was over 100' yesterday, and today it is 90 with 45% humidity!
There was a charity run in Portland yesterday, and a guy died from the heat. We are such weanies here, when it comes to heat.
It is all very stressful and exhausting, such an odd position to be in, after all these years of taking work for granted.
This month will be the deciding factor. My friend Katie owes me 2,500, and she won't even take my calls or answered a text or email. I was thinking about camping on her doorstep, her parents are well off, even if she is always struggling. She had promised to pay me back now, for 5 years! Pete owes me the same amount, since 1994. He says he hasn't sold the boat, but I wonder. Hmmm, maybe I should find out where that boat is, and we can just have it? LOL He waited too long to sell, and now can't give it away. Or so he says, I asked Joe, and he doesn't know. Joe and Pete spent a day cleaning out P's Wells Cargo trailer, so that Joe could store the stuff he wants to keep. Which really isn't a lot. I'll probably add a couple boxes of keepsakes for him to that pile.
We still have my little RV, and we found a really awesome mechanic that says he can fix her too! She has an issue with starting, someone stole a part and, it's a long story. So if we end up homeless, we still have a roof and a bed. Now if we could just afford gas! LOL
that is all so far.....TTFN